By John Ogden Sr
“And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not love, it profits me nothing” (I Corinthians 13:3, NKJV).
Chapter 13 in I Corinthians deals with loving – loving above giving, loving above spiritual power, and loving above the natural. This ability to love can only come from the heart of Jesus. For us to love in this manner, we must allow Jesus’ love to flow through us. What effect has the love of Jesus made in your life towards your family? What effect has the love of Jesus made in your life towards your chapter? Are we truly allowing God’s love to flow through us? Only when God’s love flows through us can we touch others and see the Gospel of Jesus Christ come alive.
There are many things in this life that will distract us, frustrate us, and irritate us. The only way to be an overcomer in this area is to spend quiet time with our Savior, learn to understand His heart, and be a vessel for His love. We are often mistreated, but as Jesus Christ said while hanging on the cross, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” He was the most outstanding example of love – can we do any less?
He said if we do not forgive, which is an act of love, we cannot expect our Heavenly Father to forgive us. I have recently had the opportunity to visit with several chapters. There are members within our chapters who are hurting. We need to remember that it is not just the lost biker on the street that needs the love of Jesus Christ. How can we take the love of Jesus Christ to the lost bikers without first loving, being patient and kind, and ministering to those within our own chapters? God’s kind of love must start within our home, then within our chapters, and then to those outside. We often rush past those who genuinely need a touch of God to get to the area we call “ministering.”
Are you passing by the needs God has laid in your footsteps while trying to minister outside? Our job is to love and minister to people, starting within our homes and chapters.