One of the things I enjoy about riding my Harley is that when I can get away from people and traffic and just let the wind blow through my hair — it transports me to an incredible place of peace. I love gliding around the curves and feeling the air wrap around my body, soul, and mind and in those moments…all the worries, anxieties and concerns just slide away. One day I was feeling a bit stressed and so I spent some time on the bike trying to wipe away the worries of the week and it was going great. It was around 4:30pm and the weather had just turned a bit cold, so it felt great to ride with some cool air on my face. I got to wear my leather jacket for what seemed like the first time this year in Florida. My legs were pressed tight to the bike and the weaving in and out was so relaxing.
I ventured up towards Enterprise as I was planning on riding around Lake Monroe and as I passed the Children’s Home, I spotted a large group of vultures feeding on something off of the road and I was wondering if they somehow had gotten their hands on a dead gator. I glanced that way for a bit but could not tell and then just as I was getting ready to pass them one of the buzzards decided that he needed more meat. He took off and did a powerful swerve and dive to the left which would have brought him directly towards my head. I could see him out of the corner of my eye, and I knew that he was going to hit me. He was not a little buzzard either. He probably had a ten foot wingspan, deep–dark–bloodshot eyes, claws that were dripping blood and guts from whatever it was that he had been eating and in the quick glance that I got I could tell that he had a smirk on his face as well!
He turned right into me and all I could do was raise my right arm and prepare for impact.
Have you ever been hit by a buzzard?
If you have been hit by a bug you know first-hand how a little thing going 50 miles an hour can almost take you out! The buzzard lined me up and at the last second…he dipped and missed me by about five inches and as I drove past him, I realized that at some point I had stopped breathing. Close calls are all around us and if you ride you know the importance of being “careful” and riding with an extra set of eyes. You have to keep alert as you never know when someone will choose to do something stupid around you. In the battle against human sex trafficking, we always have to be vigilant. Over the past seven years we have learned a few key lessons and as such we try to stay focused but at times… danger seems to lurk around the bend. Here are a few lessons learned along the way:
- One never knows when you might see someone in need of help, and it is important that you keep your eyes peeled. Unfortunately, human trafficking happens all around us. he number one thing to do is trust your gut.
- Traffickers do not like it if you start to make a difference. Believe it or not, traffickers will work to thwart you and your plans to help people get out of the life. They like to find people who will side with them and then spread unhealthy stories to distract those who are trying to fight to help people. Remember, just because someone says something does not make it true. I have found that the best lies are the ones that are spread with just a little bit of truth and a whole lot of untruth. Be vigilant, be honest and be careful.
- Well intentioned dragons do exist. Sometimes people who mean well do things that don’t actually help people. It is not their intent, yet we still have to be careful.
- Some people volunteer for the wrong reason. Perhaps they want to feel important, have power issues, are having trouble at home and are seeking someone to take it out on. We need to use wisdom and love.
- When someone strikes out at you don’t take is personal. It will hurt but you will get through it. Someone told me once, “Just because you can hurt someone doesn’t mean you should.”
- Perhaps this is the most important lesson.As long as you continue to plod along things will get done. So never give up, never surrender. We are not fighting for ourselves, but we are fighting for others who need someone to fight on their behalf. Never forget that what we do has nothing to do with US. It is about helping someone else and as long as you keep focused on helping ONE person… you can keep going AND remember we will prevail!
So as we continue to move forward, please keep our goals in mind. Pray for them, if you can give or know someone who can give pass this article off to them and always keep your eyes open. This article is also featured on our website and will be featured later this month on You can be a hero…simply by being alert. If you see something, say something.
Remember, you can TEXT “help” to “BeFree” and help will be immediate.
Thanks for all you do!
Doc & Rainey