By Law Tigers
Owning the right maintenance tools is a necessary aspect of being a responsible motorcycle rider. You’ll want to keep a few essential tools in your bike’s storage compartment should you encounter an unexpected mechanical problem on the road. However, you’ll also want to keep maintenance tools on hand to perform basic repairs and checkups in your garage.
Here is our list of motorcycle maintenance tools every rider should own.
Many motorcycle maintenance tasks require you to loosen parts on your bike with a wrench. As a result, having a high-quality, versatile wrench set can go a long way in your motorcycle maintenance process. We recommend starting with a set of ratcheting combination wrenches, then adding a torque wrench to your collection if you can afford it.
You’ll also need to have a few screwdrivers on hand to loosen screws on your bike when performing basic maintenance. We recommend purchasing a set that includes the following types of screwdrivers at a minimum:
- Flathead tips
- Phillips head tips
- Angle screwdrivers
- Screwdrivers with long and short handles
- Multiple tip sizes
A Tire Compressor
Your motorcycle’s tire pressure plays an essential role in your safety on the road. Generally, you should keep your bike’s tire pressure between 30 and 50 psi, but you can check your owner’s manual for your exact pressure recommendations.
If your tire is low, it may not have the precision and handling you need to control your bike well, making it challenging to get to the gas station for a fill-up. Instead, we recommend purchasing a portable tire compressor that you can use to fill up your tire from home. You can find tire compressors at most auto parts stores or even big-box stores like Walmart.
Front and Rear Stands
While some modern bikes have center stands, many motorcycles only come with side stands. However, specific maintenance tasks — such as changing your oil — require your bike to be fully upright. As a result, we recommend keeping front and rear motorcycle stands on hand to place your bike in the proper position for these tasks.
You can find a wide range of motorcycle stands on the market to suit various bike types. A front stand can help keep your bike upright if you need to remove the front wheel, while a rear stand can lift the rear wheel off the ground. Using both stands at once can elevate your entire bike.
A Battery Charger
If you’re a seasonal rider or only take your bike out occasionally, you risk your motorcycle’s battery dying in between rides. While you can technically jump a motorcycle battery with a car, doing so could provide too much energy and harm your battery further.
Instead, keeping a portable battery charger in your garage can give you a safe, effective way to jumpstart your bike. You can also consider attaching a smart battery charger to your bike whenever you have to park it for more than a few days. This charger can prevent your battery charge from dipping below a certain level.
A Multimeter
Finally, we highly recommend keeping a multimeter with your other motorcycle maintenance tools. This tool can help you measure your battery’s voltage and troubleshoot electrical issues.
You’ll want to purchase a multimeter that displays at least the following readings:
- DC voltage
- Continuity
- Resistance
These readings can come in handy when you’re trying to identify problems with your battery.
Once you have collected all of the above motorcycle maintenance tools, you should be well-prepared for many maintenance issues you may encounter.
If you are ever injured in a motorcycle accident. Be sure to call Law Tigers first at 888-863-7216 for a free case evaluation.