On July 21st a 17-year-old young man who was under the influence and who was driving with a suspended license saw three B.A.T. bikers riding down the highway. Rodney, the road captain was leading, and he was followed by Vincent and Matt, the President of the BC Chapter.
The young man was driving a Toyota 4Runner and when he saw the bikers he told his friends, “I am going to be the coolest gangster in town,” and then he crossed the center lane and hit the three bikers head on.
The 4Runner hit Rodney and shattered his motorcycle and threw him into the ditch. Vince went over the handlebars but the impact of the first hit caused the 4Runner to swerve away from the other bikes. Matt went down and the amazing part of the story is that Rodney was still alive, and Vince and Matt escaped with bruises and road rash.
Rodney was pulled from the ditch with multiple facial fractures, forearm fracture, hand/finger fractures, partially amputated finger, broken foot/toes, severe lacerations to his knee and road rash. He was sent to the trauma bay and an immediate seven-hour surgery began. He was kept in the hospital for another week, and it is estimated that it will be at least a six-month recovery.
YET, in spite of this, Rodney, never lost his spirit, his smile or his sense of adventure. He just put down a deposit on a new bike thanks to some assistance from Harley-Davidson. Sonja, his wife, and the secretary of B.A.T. BC wrote, “He’s my same Rodney, just a little broken. But we’re all a little broken in one way or another right? It may be a long recovery, but his spirit and his drive are what keeps me from losing it constantly in a puddle of tears every day. I have never been more inspired by a person than I am of Rodney right now. He was the road captain; he took the hit head on, and he survived. That is a miracle from God that I will never be able to repay.”
There are miracles all over that story and the story continues. The miracles of physical healing and the miracle of healing that took place when the father of the kid sought out Rodney to ask for forgiveness. I have inserted some pictures that BAT BC has sent about the story and whatever you do please pray. Pray for Rodney and Sonja and there is a GoFundMe link that you can click on to donate to help them in their recovery. They did not ask for help but “I…Doc” am asking the B.A.T. family to help.
B.A.T. is determined to eradicate human sex trafficking. We give all we have and then some and as a result we see miracles daily. Each chapter is full of miracles, and we see the hands and feet of Jesus being extended every day.
B.A.T. is different because we are all volunteers and the money we raise goes directly to the cause. We don’t talk about doing something…we do something. We are not JUST involved in a physical battle, but we know it is a spiritual one as well. Rodney’s story is a reminder of both!
Thanks for your partnership and support.
The B.A.T. family
Here is the LINK: https://gofund.me/3be3c99b