By Michael Smith
I recently had the opportunity to tag along with the Hellfighters motorcycle ministries’ Jacksonville Florida unit to Daytona’s 80th anniversary bike week for their annual has giveaway. They do this every year at bike week and in the Fall during Biketoberfest. They giveaway hundreds of dollars in gas to bikers. Why? To get an opportunity to tell fellow bikers that Jesus loves them and share a short testimony with them. All while getting their tanks filled.
Each year the Hellfighters use the same station. Mobil station at hwy 40 and US 1. March 6th 2021 at 12pm was the target time. I can’t talk about how awesome the day was without pointing out that Daytona had 90° chance of rain throughout most of the day. It had rained all morning and after heading out for breakfast that morning I went back to dry out at my room before heading over to the station. The crew said it was storming seriously on them, but I headed out. It rained the better part of the day and was very overcast, even had severe rain and hail at the beach I was told.
I arrived at the station completely dry and not a drop fell for over 3 hours while we were there ministering. As you can imagine, because of the weather. Only the real riders ventured out and braved the weather. It was kind of a slow start but then bikes began to pour in. I was standing down the street with a sign for free gas trying to give them a heads up for what to look for. Most people were skeptical. As you know at every rally there is always someone handing out something for free but it comes with signing up for something or giving your life’s history and email. People would pull up to me and ask what’s the deal? Is it really free? To which I replied: “Absolutely!” People in cars would ask what we’re doing, and I’d simply say “we’re giving out free gas just to tell bikers that Jesus loves them.” Even got a few “right on keep it up.”
All in all this was my first time experiencing the gas giveaway. I was told that the numbers were down from previous years but I’m sure the weather had loads to do with that. Those that came were very receptive of the Gospel and asked questions; they even let us pray with them and for them. I was told that they filled around 45 bikes and presented the gospel to about 60 riders and passengers. I’ve shared stories like this and others from my travels with people. Talk about taking the name of Jesus to bike rallies. Once a coworker laughed and said: “Is bike week a place a Christian should visit?” I replied: “Why not? Jesus would have probably come himself. He often surrounded himself with sinners, the lost, the hurting, the broken, and those in need. After all it’s not the healthy that need a doctor. Jesus didn’t come for the righteous but for the sinner.” He said that’s a good point and it’s deep one too. I laughed and continued “that was all Jesus no credit to me.”
Back at home now, sitting and thinking what a blessing it was being the hands and feet of Jesus.
I hope to witness this event again in future rallies.
Thanks and God bless,
Mike Smith
Hellfighters M/M
P.S. I barely made it out of highschool so I’d like to apologize for the atrocity of your chosen profession that you just read. Thanks for a great mag and keep telling the two wheeled world about Jesus.