By pastor Fred-Z
We had a very blessed time at the “BFC Spring Fling / Niane’s Ride for Kids” a week-end event that is full of activities. The event starts on Friday and ends on Sunday with a church service. On Friday afternoon we hopped on the bikes and rode up for a breathtaking ride up to East River Mtn. which has an incredible overlook. There we held a Celebration of Life Ceremony for our brother Keith Austin aka: “BFC Mr. Clean”. His family was there, and 50-60 BFC members. Keith had recently passed away, and it was a somber, but very blessed time together in the Lord. His son Matthew (a BFC Chapter Elder in N.C.) rode his Dad’s bike in his honor. We heard some great stories, and then we spread his ashes at one of his favorite places.
Nianne’s Ride is an amazing event. Her brother Tracey gave us a little history on the event: The ride is named in honor of Nianne who was a foster parent in Mercer Co. She was never married so she did what she did on her own with the strength and calling that God put on her life. When she was younger, she developed a tumor on one of her ovaries and when the doctors removed the tumor weighed 32 pounds! This prohibited her from being able to bear children of her own. She had such a desire to have children and this desire opened the door for her to be a foster parent. She was the one that the police and DHHR could call on in the middle of the night when removing kids from dangerous situations. She would always say bring them over. In the course of her life – she actually took in over 100 kids into her home for a night, a few days, or a longer period of time. Giving them God’s Love, a safe place to stay, a meal or two, or longer. Through the years she ended up adopting four of her foster kids and they became a family. Two days after Christmas in 2012, Nianne was diagnosed with pancreatic/liver cancer and was given six months or less to live. Her first thoughts/reaction at this news was not of herself but of the kids. We made provisions to keep her adopted kids in the family no matter what happened. Nianne taught me so much about faith, she taught me about trusting in God’s will and not our own will. I told her that I wanted to put together a ride in her honor to raise money for the children in need.
“Niane’s Ride” on Saturday was awesome. BFC members came from: Canada, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, West Virginia, and California. It was all about raising money for orphans and wayward children. And God blessed the event. Cole’s Harley-Davidson (our weekend hosts) was sweet enough to loan Pastor-Z a new H-D Heritage Softail for over four days! May God continue to bless Charlie Cole, and his son Chaz and their business Cole’s Harley Davidson in Bluefield, W.V. (they are amazing people – and have super friendly staff members). On Saturday morning we gathered at Cole Harley-Davidson for the start of the ride to help the sometimes-forgotten children in the area. We rode about 80 miles through some beautiful countryside. The after party at Coles H-D had live music, great food, and a ton of awesome door prizes and 50/50 drawing. The Covenant Band totally rocked the parking lot. Lead vocalist Tammy also shared some very anointed and personal things from her heart that touched many. We raised a total of about $ 4,000.00
Sunday morning the extremely talented “Covenant Band” was again tearing it up! The parking lot had a great crowd, and people were enjoying themselves worshipping the Lord. Pastor-Z had the honor of sharing God’s Word with them, and the Lord blessed the message. During the altar call some prayed to accept Christ or rededicate their lives… It was such a blessing.
Then we jumped back on the bikes and rolled up. We had some great fellowship – then said our goodbyes – always the hardest part of an awesome trip.
Special thanks go out to Charlie Cole and staff of Cole Harley-Davidson in BluefieldW.V., Melinda Zosh at WVVA TV, all the local businesses in Princeton/Bluefield, W.V. and all those that attend to make this rally, one of Southern WV’s best rallies. And special thanks to our official photographer Leah Denise Long. You all did an amazing job at your rally! And thanks so much for your hospitality and friendship. We love and appreciate you all.