By Pastor Fred-Z
Seven years ago – American Eagle Harley-Davidson graciously allowed Rushing Wind Biker Church and Bikers for Christ Dallas to start holding church services in their parking lot. When the weather started cooling down and sketchy, they allowed the church to move inside into a meeting room complete with a small stage, pool table, air hockey game, etc.
So on Saturday morning March 5th, 2022, hundreds of motorcycles rumbled in from six or seven different states to celebrate the “7th Anniversary of the Rushing Wind Biker Church” in Denton, TX. The Rally featured an outreach at American Eagle Harley-Davidson. The event included a Bikers for Christ Bike Blessing, and a concert with the “Full Throttle Band” from Southern California.
The dealership features two stories full to the brim of all styles of H-D motorcycles, parts, motor clothes, a large service bay, multiple large meeting rooms, and a huge parking lot. That day it was filled with a couple hundred motorcycles and lots of vendors.
The event had a professional sound system, and the Full Throttle Band completely rocked the dealership with multiple sets of crowd favorites of classic rock, blues, and metal on the dealership’s huge outdoor stage. They also played a lot of their amazing originals too.
BFC also performed Bike Blessings and prayers for everyone who would like them. It was a beautiful time of God’s Spirit touch many.
American Eagle H-D also had demo rides. A real treat was when American Eagle’s general manager Bryan Tynes let BFC Founder Pastor Z. take a 2022 “Extremely Customized Fat Boy” (valued at
$ 60,000.00) for “a severely aggressive” test ride. The motorcycle has a custom paint job, completely modified frame, and also included a massive 131 cubic engine. Bryan hopped on a 2022 Custom Street Glide that also had a 131 engine, and led the way. We’re talking about an exhilarating adrenaline-filled ride hitting some high speeds through the rolling Texas Roads. It was a total blast!
At the end of the afternoon the dealership staff presented “BFC Pastor Sidecar” and the RWBC Crew with a delicious, beautiful anniversary cake – airbrushed with the RWBC Church Logo. Pastor Z. and Pastor Sidecar prayed over the crowd. The day ended with another set by the Full Throttle Band.
On Sunday morning – the Rushing Wind Biker Church held a service with delicious donuts, coffee, and fellowship followed with announcements, and a presentation for the volunteers who helped run the logistics of the church over the years.
Pastor Sidecar once again introduced the Full Throttle Band. They opened with a half hour of great music. Pastor Z. gave a powerful Gospel message filled with some awesome stories, and life applicable scriptures that ministered to the attendees. Many were touched and lives were changed that morning.
Sharing the Gospel with others through Witnessing, Bike Blessings, Prayers, Salvations, and Re-dedications is what Biker Ministry is all about. We were so blessed to be a part of their incredible event. Special thanks to the staff at American Eagle Harley-Davidson of Texas – You Rock!
BFC Admin News…
Editor’s Note: American Eagle Harley-Davidson is one of many Wheels Of Grace magazine distribution locations around the country. American Eagle Harley-Davidson is located at: 5920 S Interstate 35 East, Corinth, TX 76210 (940) 498-5000