Sturgis 75TH Anniversary With Hellfighters Motorcycle Ministry
The Hellfighters M/M started planning Sturgis 2015 the day Sturgis 2014 was over. The main goal has always been to share Jesus and reach people who are in need, who are lost, who are stranded and abused, including those brought in by the police to help them find their way.
With a coordinated effort that runs from the east to the west coast there are usually around 120 Hellfighters, including members and supporters that attend Sturgis from eight different states. They get there six days before the Monday of Sturgis week, to set-up the Hellfighters Mission at the Cross, to prepare for their guests and get all their evangelistic material ready so people can easily pick it up. While in preparation for the event, they visit others vendors to pray with them for the coming rally and visit other ministries to invite them to the commissioning service on Sunday afternoon before the rally. They also coordinate their contacts from the police department and local hospital. The “Mission” is located at the corner of Junction and Interstate 90 at exit 32. Day or night, you can’t miss the big cross. Last year, the police and the Sheriff’s department were calling the Hellfighters 10 days before the rally to see when they will be there.
The 1700 mile ride from Laurel, Mississippi is usually made in three days to the final destination of Sturgis, South Dakota. Once the rally begins, Hellfighters not only man the Mission at the Cross, but are sent out to minister by passing out tracks, giving out water, giving away gas, and participating in scenic rides which stop at every rest stop where there are groups of people. The Hellfighters pass out tracks, pray with people and help those in need.
At Mount Rushmore, it is interesting to know that there are only a couple of places the park service will allow the distribution of Christian material. In the shadow of Thomas Jefferson who was responsible for the First Amendment, we can no longer exercise the First Amendment.
A vital segment for the Hellfighters begins around 10pm, when much goes on at the Mission at the Cross that many don’t see or hear about. When the police want to give a second chance to bikers who have committed minor offenses and are not a danger to others, they are given a choice to go to jail or to Hellfighters Mission at the Cross. At the Hellfighters Mission at the Cross, men take care of men and women take care of women. It is not unusual to see people crying, throwing up and in need of medical attention, which, in that case, they are taken to the hospital just one block behind the Hellfighters Mission at the Cross. Waking up to the sound of screams and sounds like you’ve never heard before from people who are not in their right mind, is not for everyone. But it is for those who need help.
Talking to Vaughn Blackwell and Mike Grubb from the Hellfighters, I was told the story about a guy who was drawn to the Cross and came to the Mission. He began telling one of the Hellfighters that he had left his wife and kids to come to Sturgis and party, have a wild time, get drunk and mess around with other women. But there under the Cross, he rededicated his life to Jesus and decided to get on his bike and head home to his wife and kids. The stories are endless and the demand for laborers is more than you can imagine, but the Hellfighters will be there.
Peter Kaye
We are looking forward to the 2016 rally where we believe lives will be changed and souls saved. Hellfighters share Jesus with everyone who will listen, and we hope to expand our relationship with other Christian Ministries that are attending the rally to spread the Gospel. We, as believers, should all have the same goal: sharing the love of Jesus. The Mission at the Cross in Sturgis, South Dakota is manned by members and supporters of Hellfighters Motorcycle Ministry and is a place everyone must see during their lifetime.
Vaughn Blackwell