Hollywood Dave: How do I know if I have the right Attorney?
Rob “The Shark”: You know that’s a great question. Having the right attorney means communication. You want to know what’s going on with your case 24/7. Let me give you an example. At Shark Squad, you have everybody’s cell phone number. You have my cellphone number. It’s available to you 24/7. If you can’t find me for whatever reason is because I’m in court. Text me. I can even reply sometimes via text if I’m in a deposition. Of course, I cannot if I’m in court. But you have the office number. You have my cell number. You have the hotline number. Communication is everything. Where am I with my case? What’s going on with my bike? All those questions will be answered to you, the same day and sometimes within the same minute. If I have my phone next to me, I don’t care where I’m at, I will respond to you. Communication is the key to success. Winning a personal injury case is about teamwork. The more knowledgeable you have the stronger we are as a team. And that’s our job. Communication.
Hollywood Dave: If I’m in an accident, what happens to my bike?
Rob “The Shark”: The first thing they are going to do is take your bike and put it in an impound under the law. They’re not going to take your bike where you want it to go. Now a lot of people don’t know that they are going to charge you a daily storage fee. They will also charge you towing, etc. Probably around $70 or $80 a day. By the time you figure out what’s going on with your bike or where it’s at. By now you owe $300 or $400. And you may not have the money to get the bike out. Or it’s difficult for you. Before you know it three or four days go by, and you get a lien notice. Bye Bye Bike. The first thing we are going to do for you is identify where the bike is located. We will make sure it gets out of there. We will contact the insurance company and get them out there. Get them to pay that tow bill to get the bike out of there to a safe place where it won’t incur towards your cost. If you don’t want to lose your bike, that’s what must be done. That’s our priority, your motorcycle. We know how much it means to you.
Hollywood Dave: I feel a lot better knowing Shark Squad is on the case.
Hollywood Dave: Rob, what is involved in investigating an accident?
Rob “The Shark”: Investigation is everything. Especially in cases with dispute in liability. If there’s a lot of evidence, skid marks, just imagine everything possible to screw up your case is out there, and the insurance company is spending a lot of time and money throwing their investigators to your case to frame the case against you. We have our own team of investigators. We send them out. These guys are fast, to the scene, to take their measurements, take their photos and help us build up your case. Cause I know the insurance companies are doing that as we speak in some of our cases. So, rest assured we have the best investigators out there, working hard on your case.
Hollywood Dave: Sounds like information that every client should ever.
Hollywood Dave: We’ll I know Shark Squad is great with motorcycles, but what if I’m hit in a car?
Rob “The Shark”: Obviously we specialize in motorcycle accidents and obviously there’s leverage in those cases. However, we have wonderful attorneys who also deal with automobile cases, extremely aggressively and you can call them Shark as well. If God forbid you had an auto accident, give us a call. We will fight the case just as hard as we fight our motorcycle cases.
Hollywood Dave: Wow, Glad you guys are there in all cases.
Remember Shark Squad is always riding by your side.