This is a story about an overcomer, a champion and a believer that through challenges has maintained a Christ filled loving heart.
At the tender age of three Sarah went through her 1st divorce. I remarried and about seven years into the marriage my wife decided to sow her oats. She disconnected from the church where we both served in the children’s ministry. She then started to party. I sought Biblical counseling and put together a team to support me to rebuild our marriage. But, she wanted nothing to do with that. We divorced after 10 years of marriage.
During the 10th year Sarah’s mom passed away. It was New Years day 2010. Sarah stayed over a friend’s house. I was late picking her up and decided to stop by my brother’s house in Redlands, CA, since Sarah and her mom were living in Palm Desert. On the way over, I got a phone call from her neighbor. “Sarah’s mom is dead,” she said. “Do not let her go into the house!” Sarah had about 10 weeks left in the 8th grade and was also performing in a play at the Date Festival. I decided to let her stay at a friend’s house to at least finish the school year out, what was I thinking? The challenges began. Sarah is a strong willed but, kind. So kind that she signed over her Mom’s car to these people.
I drove out there three to four times a week to see her and take her to practice at the Date Festival while keeping the communication going with the school and her residence. They said that Sarah was being disruptive and disrespectful and then it got worse. Six weeks before her 8th grade graduation she informed me that she was not liking it at her friend’s while her friend called me and said “we couldn’t take it anymore” and wanted Sarah out of their house.
Since I was going through a divorce I was staying with friends. They welcomed Sarah into their home too. We scrambled to get Sarah into Middle School. But she did and her magnetic personality quickly adapted and she graduated with honors. I remember, Sarah found out the last day of the last week about the Cheerleading tryouts. She learned the routine in one hour. As a freshman she also made the JV squad and the Varsity competition team. She made home Varsity games as the best tumbler. That was a great year for Sarah and the boost she needed after all she had been through. Interestingly, she also inherited her mom’s Harley-Davidson motorcycle.
I started teaching her to practice riding her mom’s motorcycle in the driveway with cones. We worked on the basic riding skills for hours and hours. Then we moved to a school parking lot up the street to practice some more; and Sarah learned, really fast! I then bought a bike, I had to! We rode around town together even before she got her permit. When she got her motorcycle permit, I escorted her to school. She was now an official biker chick.
In 2011 with a learner’s permit my brother and I rode to the Hollister Rally in California. We also moved out of my friends’ house and got into a two-bedroom condo in Placentia, CA. We have had our share of challenges but through God’s Grace we have over come them. Sarah wanted to move out prior to turning 18 years and she did.
In May of 2014 Sarah was in a serious motorcycle accident and almost lost her leg; she had a severe compound fracture, which required a rod and a plates. Three surgeries later and removing muscle from her back, and a skin graph from her thigh. That accident tested both our faith and love for each other…that’s my little girl! The accident happened just prior to her high school graduation. But Sarah, in a wheelchair, went and graduated.
She has healed, purchased another bike, and is now going to school and pursue her passion: riding and photography. Not to mention her love for the Lord and children. Oh-yeah! She is also the President of the OC chapter of Reckless Playground, Est. Sept. 2014. I am in the club as the Business manager. I am so blessed to have such a beautiful daughter, in Christ.
Written By,
Chris Perez