Three weeks ago we received an email from an incredible lady who was connected to over 130 foster kids who were or had aged out of the Foster Care system and had been touched by human trafficking. They were teens who had not experienced the miracle of Christmas in a long time, and some told us that they had NEVER had a Christmas. In talking with our contact, Rainey decided that we needed to do something to make a difference and so she spread the word and we went to work. We did not know what to anticipate because to be honest with you our country just seems to be so divided and caught up in anger, resentment, frustration and politics that we didn’t know if people even had the “heart” to make a difference anymore. The frustrations of Covid, taxes, gas prices, recession, along with everything else left us unsure what to expect.
But boy where we in for a surprise! When we told people that we wanted to provide Christmas for these teens some well-intentioned dragons (people who mean well) told us that there was NO WAY it could be done. We were starting too late and had no money. Perhaps we should wait until next year? Well, that is not how B.A.T. works. We embrace a challenge, roll up our sleeves and go all in. We started telling people and three weeks later thousands had been raised, hundreds of presents had been “hand” wrapped (and you know how hard it is to wrap a stuffed animal?) and, everything was new. The teens would open gifts that were not hand me downs, no one would be there to claim a picture, nor would they have to fake being happy. They could all be “kids” for the day. When Rainey and I drove our two vehicles packed to the brim with gifts to them everyone was in tears and many said that their belief in people was renewed.
We were and are overjoyed. People and organizations went beyond the call of duty, beds were given, the materials for a storage area were collected, toys, clothes, and anything and everything that was needed. People from all walks of life came together and their HEARTS shined through. Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you from the bottom of our hearts. Your sacrificial giving from all over the United States has lifted our spirits, renewed our passion and if you could have seen the eyes of the people who received the gifts… It was a miracle. Now, I don’t know how you are doing personally. Times are tough for many, and we continue to reach out and partner with those who have been trafficked and their families. We have driven to pick up people from all corners of the United States and whether they are men or women, boys or girls we have been honored to work alongside of each one promoting hope, healing and renewal.
No matter what is going on in your life please don’t give up. Hold on and BELIEVE in the goodness of others. I know for those of us that have trauma backgrounds it is often hard to give the benefit of the doubt BUT there are still people who care, who want to help, who will do more than say that they want to make a difference… they will roll up their sleeves and jump in. We have seen that this month and it is our prayer that all of us will experience that daily. We serve an amazing God and HOPE remains no matter what. If we can help in any way, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Dr. Patrick & Rainey Nave