The iPhone read: 45 degrees. No rain and highs in the 70s, perfect weather to ride to Daytona. We made the 300+ mile ride four times in two days from Tampa Florida. Crossing the state through the county roads in the harmonic rumble was a delight. Always seems like the first time.
Daytona Beach was packed. There were bikes everywhere and more Trikes than I have ever seen in one place. Main Street, close to the beach was just like every other biker event with a lot more people and bikes than the usual. An estimated 600,000 leather vests were in Daytona and people of all kinds riding bikes of all makes. Here and there we saw an Indian, a metric and for the first time saw Victory police bikes. Every bike you can think of rode by and each one nicer than the one before.
We met an old friend from California and spent most of the day at the Daytona Speedway. We came across the F.A.I.T.H. Riders tent while they were busy witnessing to people for six minutes for the opportunity to win a new Harley. We stayed for a little while and shared with Mike Stewart the National Director that invited us to their National event on Labor Day weekend.
We saw Soldiers For Jesus ride by and, after going through the different manufacturers tents looking at the new parts and accessories we ended up at the Heaven Saints M/M booth (see photo above). There, we fellowshipped with some of the members present and talked about some of the old days and their Heaven Saints founder Barry Mason whom I had the honor to meet and spend time with years ago in Oklahoma City.
As we walked through the crowds we noticed the friendly CMA (Christian Motorcycle Association) guys and gals assisting at a parking lot and when we walked to the pier, we saw a COL (Chariots Of Light) member praying with a homeless young man (see photo on left). The ride back was beautiful and the weather was in our favor.
The two days went quick and we didn’t see all we wanted to but we are looking forward to seeing Daytona again, maybe this year in October.